
Sand Tray Therapy

Not just for kids!

Why use Sand Therapy?

Often referred to as “Sandplay” Therapy, the sand tray gives expression to non-verbalized emotional issues. Play is the language of children and the sand tray provides a safe medium for expression, free from judgment. The benefits of Sand Tray therapy are many:

  • Sand has a sensory quality and the experience of touching and manipulating the sand can be therapeutic in and of itself.

  • The therapeutic distance can allow the client to have a safe place to work through and process their experiences.

  • Provides a setting for the emergence of therapeutic metaphors.

  • Provides a needed and effective communication medium for the client who has difficulty verbalizing emotions and experiences; or the client with poor verbal skills. Beyond developmental reasons, there are clients of all ages who may have limited verbal expresive skills for a variety of reasons. When unable to effectively communicate needs, it can create a great level of frustration. In Sandplay therapy expression of needs is not dependent upon words.

  • Provides a place for the client to experience control.